Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid
The Simple Truth to a Complicated Relationship
By Howard J. Morris & Jenny Lee
Published by Simon Spotlight Entertainment
September 2009; $22.99US/$29.99CAN; 978-1-4165-9505-2
Which came first, the crazy or the stupid?

It's the million-dollar question we all want the answer to. Are women crazy because men are stupid? Or are men stupid because women are crazy? Not surprisingly, the way we answer these two questions divides us quite neatly along gender lines. Because, let's face it, we all have a lot invested in the answer. Women maintain that over the course of their lives they are driven slowly and methodically crazy by stupid men. And men maintain that it's impossible for any man to act smartly with a women who's out of her freaking mind. If we can just prove one came first, the other side will have blaming rights for all eternity.
--From Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid
The revealing, rip-roaringly funny guide to making every relationship smarter, saner, and happier.
Since the dawn of time, when the first smitten caveboy tried to woo the object of his affections by shoving her into the mud, men have demonstrated that when it comes to women, they are profoundly stupid. And when it comes to men, women -- no matter how intelligent or mature -- are completely crazy.
Based on the simple yet groundbreaking insight, comedy writers and real-life couple Howard J. Morris and Jenny Lee have devised a relationship guide that is refreshingly honest, completely hilarious, and surprisingly practical. Using their own crazy/stupid romance as an example of these forces in action, they set out to explain why women ask questions that they absolutely do not want answered -- and why men persist in answering them. What are men really thinking -- or crucially, not thinking? Why do women view even the most mundane events through an emotional prism? Why do guys suck at being romantic? And why does every conversation with a woman lead back to whether or not she's fat?
Using wit, hard-earned wisdom, and a highly entertaining he said/she said format, the authors explore the surprising method to his dumbness and the valid reasons behind her insanity, while providing real solutions to perennial relationship problems. By teaching men how and why they're stupid around women and showing women how to "control the crazy" for everybody's sake, Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid helps couples to reach the place where giving isn't giving in, needing isn't needy, and where the sexes can break the dysfunctional patterns and find a way to live lovingly, happily ever after.
Author Bios

Howard J. Morris, coauthor of Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid: The Simple Truth to a Complicated Relationship, began his career in television, writing for the revolutionary HBO series Dream On, and then on the Emmy-nominated Home Improvement. He created the series Holding the Baby and In Case of Emergency. He's also written on My Wife and Kids,According to Jim, and most recently, The Starter Wife.
Jenny Lee, coauthor of Women Are Crazy, Men Are Stupid: The Simple Truth to a Complicated Relationship, was a writer on the hit comedy series Samantha Who?, starring Christina Applegate, and a writer on the Nickelodeon show The Troop. She is also the author of three books of humor essays: Skinny Bitching, What Wendell Wants, and I Do. I Did. Now What?!: Life After the Wedding Dress. They live together in Los Angeles.
"What I love most about this hilarious battle of the sexes book is that while you're laughing it morphs into a great love story."
--Debra Messing
"You'd be crazy not to buy this book for the man in your life. And if he won't read it, serve it with bacon."
--Tim Allen
"Morris and Lee are stupid and crazy so you don't have to be. The chapter on romance is a classic!"
--Gigi Levangie Grazer
"This book is laugh-out-loud funny. And I don't just mean that 'lol' stuff. I actually laughed out loud. The surprise is that a book this funny is also so wise. It's bursting with real insights and universal truths. At the same time, it's deeply personal. Howard and Jenny spare us no intimate details of their relationship. You're reading it thinking, Should they be telling us this? We don't know them that well. But ultimately, you realize they're telling us about our crazy/stupid selves."
--David Crane, cocreator of Friends
This is just a quick introduction to the latest book that I will be reviewing. I was so excited about this one and I really think that you guys are going to love it!